Saturday, August 06, 2005

There is something I wish to make clear. I am a heterosexual man, and I enjoy anal play in many forms. Just because I enjoy that, does not make me homosexual. I think our society today has a very peculiar fixation with denying the less desireable aspects of our humanity. As humans, we fart. We shit, we fuck. The anus is a very real, and very sensitive, part of our bodies. When done tenderly and with care, extraordinary pleasure can be derived from it's stimulation. Simply because feces makes one uncomfortable, there is an attempt to reject it's very existance.

This is contrary to the reality of our nature, and, in my opinion, it is very unhealthy.


David James said...


wackyvorlon said...

Nope, no interest in anal sex with men. No sexual interest in men whatsoever, actually.